I've been incredibly focused on my site lately. It's running better, has more traffic, I've been keeping it up to date on content, is just faster in general, and overall it's just been steady improvement with it. But one thing my site needs is a more active comment section. I want to jumpstart the comments on my site by asking you guys, if anyone is interested in helping me out, to go on my site and start leaving comments wherever you want. There's plenty of pages of comic and art to go through, and I really can't stress enough how much it'd help.
To get into technical reasons why, comments not only boost my traffic but they help with my SEO score and since they give me something to reply to, they doubly help with my SEO score since I can post a comment naturally that way as well. Also on my nav bar, it has a comments thing between the prev and next page buttons. On most pages they all say Comments (0) so no one really scrolls down to read comments if there are none. That's another big reason.
So yeah, if you can do that it would be a tremendous favor to me <3
sorry, i cannot
too many websites already